Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Temple Grandin -- Different Not Less

Here are some questions to answer for your assigned blog post:
How was Temple Grandin "different"?  Give specific examples.
How was she "not less?"
How did the movie impact  you?


  1. Temple Grandin is a perfect example of an autistic girl trying to grow up and understand a world that is harsh to everything and anything that is "different." Temple is different in many ways one example of this is that Temple didn't talk until after she was five years old. However, now that she is talking as an adult she talks very loudly and abruptly, an example of this is shown every time she greats a new person. Temple fails to understand the expressions of emotions on others' faces which causes her distress when people get angry at her for responding wrong for how they feel at that moment.

    Although we all agree that Temple is different from our image of a "normal" child, I believe that we can similarly agree that she not less. I would even go so far as to say that in many ways Temple is far beyond the normal person. Temple is a genius in science and livestock skills. The fact that her models of cattle washing corrals and slaughter houses are used in half of the all the United States businesses pertaining to this industry is amazing. This fact testifies for the extensive knowledge and ingenious that she has in these areas, we many even be able to say that she is the most knowledgeable in the United States about the how the design of these buildings should be set up.

    The movie about Temple Grandin helped me to realize that the people who are autistic and seem worthless in life are actually extremely beneficial to society. Above all this the main point to me is that no matter now different you may be from the people around you is that you are still a child of God, no matter what! God still dearly loves you. This is a perfect example of everyone created in the image of God, but still different from one another.

  2. Temple Grandin is different then most people in many ways. for one she can see things that no one else can. she sees everything in pictures as well. Because she can sees everything in pictures it helps her in life. For example she creates a cattle dip for a ranch and it is more effective than what they had before. she uses different ways to calm herself, such as the squeeze machine and spinning. she has a way with animals that one one has either. This also helps keep her calm.

    She created a cattle dip and slaughter house because she can put herself in the mindset of a cow and see what they do and sees how they react to light and clothing. She does all this to make things more efficient. She is autistic and she had difficulty talking until the age of four and now she has a hard time talking quietly unless she is calm.

    Even though she is different that doesn't mean she is less than someone. Having autism doesn't mean that you are less. Being less is being lower than something. In this case humans. she is smarter than most normal people, but she has poor social skills. that doesn't' make her any less than others. God created all of us equal with no human above the other. He made us in his image and we are all different, but that doesn't mean that we are less. For example Kristen and I are different from each other but that doesn't mean that I or she is less than one or the other.

    The movie of Temple Grandin helped me realized that I am like the people in the movie who make fun of her. I jump to conclusions about people and judge them before I can get to know someone. In the movie the people judge her because she is different and not "normal" but once they got to know he she was different than what they expected.

  3. She is different in her own way. Just like everyone else. The different that others were just wasn't to the extreme of hers. She tried to fit in the way that she thought was best. Which is still different because her thought process is different. Such as her way of feeling comfort brought alot of judgement and made her look different. She would use her squeeze machine. One extreme way some would say is different would be the fact that she didnt talk until she was 4-5. Also her way of communicating was much different. To go along with that, she was very loud when she talked. She didnt think like everyone else either. She would think in pictures and visualize everything.
    She could be looked at as less because of being "different" from our social norms. She wasn't less at all though. She was still a person trying to live the best she could and new how. That was her normal and all she knew. But her accomplishments of not only pushing through the judgement but also still making a great discovery about cows shows she was more. Not anywhere near less.
    The movie made a great impact on me in the sense that what I thought I dealt with as "judgement" was nothing near what she had. And for her to push through that and still become what she was shows that I have no excuse. It also helped me to see what others go through no matter what their conditions mentally or physically. And that perserverence pays off. Dont give up.

  4. And to go along with this. What the movie showed me was that I find myself at times judging before I know the whole situation of someone. I just go according to how they act and think they are different. And it helped me to now think before I judge anyone because I could be missing what is behind their actions.

  5. Temple Grandin is different. She didn't speak until she was four, she was frightened of being touched (even by her own mother), she had a great fear of the guillotine-looking automatic doors, she was socially awkward, she sees the world in pictures, she needed a squeeze machine to remain calm . Because of her differences many maybe would not say, but would think that she is less. That she does not feel deeply, that she does not think intelligently, that she doesn't have as much to contribute to the world. But by all that is good in the world, she is different, not less, and perhaps not as different as we think. She's afraid of automatic doors, some people are desperately afraid of old men with great beards. But seriously, although she is a wee more extreme than most of us, I need a squeeze machine, but I can get a hug so then I'm okay. She tried to meet that basic need of acceptance, peace, and safety, in the best way that she could. As for less, Temple was far from it. All men and women are created equal under God and not one of them is less than the other. To say Temple was less is to dehumanize autistic persons. To say Temple was less is practically to support the belief systems of Hitler. No one is less because of autism, but to thinks so makes you less of a person
    Response: I agree with Moriah. The movie helped me to realize that I judge because of appearances and not the heart. It made me realize that I should try much harder not to judge because only God can see the heart, and understand the cries of a soul.
